Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to--- display image from access database in Dreamweaver using ASP?

I m trying to display the content of the table in the ASP web page. the entire table is getting displayed except for the image field.

It is a simple Employee database, I want to display information like details of each emp along with their photos.

(AND the images are not being displayed)

Plz Help

How to--- display image from access database in Dreamweaver using ASP?
in order for the image field to work, it would have to be a virtual link to a physical jpg, gif, or other actual image. Most likely, your Access database is taking the image, and converting it to a format similar to uuencode / uudecode, hex 64, or some other similar format. My suggestion would be that you really need to export each image, and then rather than storing the actual image in the database, to store the file location or url for each image in the table.

That would be the only way it would work. You can then have the image display like so:

While not myrec.EOF

Response.Write "%26lt;img src='" %26amp; MyRec("ImageFilePath") %26amp; "'%26gt;"



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