Monday, July 13, 2009

How to find the maximum value among a list of alpanumeric characters in a database in query?

I have a database column "AssetID" with values like ser1.... ser9, ser10, ser11, met1, met2.etc I want an sql query which would retrieve me the highest value among the category "ser" i.e. it should get me the value ser11. If I use max(AssetID) in the query, I get only ser9 and not ser11. So how this is possible?

How to find the maximum value among a list of alpanumeric characters in a database in query?
When you try to sort or pull a max value from a TEXT field, sorting won't be the same as a numeric field. A text sort will sort by ranking on a per character basis.

So, ser9 will be a "higher" value than ser11 because the function considers "ser9" higher than "ser1xxxxxxxxx....".

The Data Analyst -
Reply:Yes that is can use Compute("MAX)


OleDbCommand mycommand = new OleDbCommand();

mycommand.Connection = connection;

DataTable categories = GetDataTable("categories", "SELECT * FROM categories", connection);

string orders = categories.Compute("MAX(id_category)", "").ToString();

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