Thursday, July 9, 2009

I have to pass a hide int value whenever i change the value of the dropdownlist in How to do?

I have to fill a dropdownlist with two value as (id, value) in application. That value only fill with dropdownlist. that id should be hide. when i click the value that id has to passed as internally. how to do this?

I have to pass a hide int value whenever i change the value of the dropdownlist in How to do?

' Selected constants from

Const adOpenStatic = 3

Const adLockPessimistic = 2

Dim cnnExcel

Dim rstExcel

Dim I

Dim iCols

' This is all standard ADO except for the connection string.

' You can also use a DSN instead, but so it'll run out of the

' box on your machine I'm using the string instead.

Set cnnExcel = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

cnnExcel.Open "DBQ=" %26amp; Server.MapPath("xl_data.xls") %26amp; ";" %26amp; _

"DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};"

' Same as any other data source.

' FYI: TestData is my named range in the Excel file

Set rstExcel = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rstExcel.Open "SELECT * FROM TestData;", cnnExcel, _

adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic

' Get a count of the fields and subtract one since we start

' counting from 0.

iCols = rstExcel.Fields.Count


%26lt;table border="1"%26gt;



' Show the names that are contained in the first row

' of the named range. Make sure you include them in

' your range when you create it.

For I = 0 To iCols - 1

Response.Write "%26lt;th%26gt;"

Response.Write rstExcel.Fields.Item(I).Name

Response.Write "%26lt;/th%26gt;" %26amp; vbCrLf

Next 'I





' Loop through the data rows showing data in an HTML table.

Do While Not rstExcel.EOF

Response.Write "%26lt;tr%26gt;" %26amp; vbCrLf

For I = 0 To iCols - 1

Response.Write "%26lt;td%26gt;"

Response.Write rstExcel.Fields.Item(I).Value

Response.Write "%26lt;/td%26gt;" %26amp; vbCrLf

Next 'I

Response.Write "%26lt;/tr%26gt;" %26amp; vbCrLf







Set rstExcel = Nothing


Set cnnExcel = Nothing


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