Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's the difference between visual basic script and asp?

aren't they the same thing?

What's the difference between visual basic script and asp?
Visual Basic script is a language that you can use to program against the Active Server Pages (ASP) Object Model to create web applications. Visual Basic scripting can be used for other automation tasks as well, but ASP is strictly a web development technology that can be utilized with Visual Basic scripting.

Please read this WIKI:
Reply:ASP (active server pages) can use VB script.

VB script is a subset of VB
Reply:You didn't run out to the computer store and buy a copy of VBScript. You didn't install a VBScript disk on your computer, either. All you did was install the Internet Explorer browser, which supports VBScript, on your computer--just like millions of other folks. Everyone of them has the VBScript engine on their computer, and everyone of them has the ability to create Web pages with VBScript.

So where's the integrated development environment that you're used to using in Visual Basic? Keep looking, because there isn't one. All you have is your favorite text editor, the ActiveX Control Pad, and a Web browser. That in itself is the single largest difference between Visual Basic and VBScript. It leads to some specific differences, too. Here's what they are:

Debugging VBScript doesn't have a debugger like Visual Basic. You'll resort to using lots of message boxes, instead.

Event-handlers You don't have an editor in which you select an object and event to edit an event-procedure. You have to name event-procedures in your scripts so that the scripting engine can find the appropriate handler when an object fires an event.
Reply:Both are same but some script tools differ.

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